frequently asked questions

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Why make a mobile app?

Mobile applications are the easiest way for your fans/readers/supporters to interact with you and everything going on in your world. Our applications run on the iPhone, as well as the iPod Touch, and are sold on iTunes. iTunes has already sold more than 2 billion apps to the more than 40 million iPhones/iPod Touches being used around the world! You can read more about the mobile market in our blog. Think about it, when's the last time you didn't have your phone? We certainly can't remember.

Why are your apps only $299?

We decided to create a platform that simplified the process of making apps. An app to make an app, if you will, and in the process we were able to cut out a lot of the unnecessary costs. We pride ourselves on providing everyone the ability to have a mobile app. Learn more about our philosophy here. Don't get us wrong... there are some very cool apps out there that are worth the $10,000+ budget they carry. If you are interested in developing a completely custom application (something more in-depth than our AppFlight platform) please inquire here. We'd be happy to work with you and find an affordable solution.

Does it really take 5 minutes to create an app?

Our process is very quick. Once you've selected what you want on your app during the order process you are given access to you very own Control Panel where you upload your content (i.e. your photos, music, links, etc). Most applications are built and ready to be submitted to iTunes in a matter of minutes.

How long does it take to get my app submitted to iTunes?

We officially send your app to Apple once you hit "Submit My App" in your Control Panel. Apple's approval process usually takes just a few days, but can take longer if they get busy. We'll notify you when your app has been submitted and, of course, when it gets approved.

Can my app be rejected from iTunes?

Yes, but it is highly unlikely. iTunes will only reject your app if it contains sensitive content such as nudity or extreme profanity. So keep it clean ladies and gents.

How many people can download my app?

There is no limit to the amount of downloads for your app. Ahem, unless you consider the "sky" a limit.

How do I update my app with new information?

Once you've finished the order process we provide you access to your app's Control Panel. From there, you can change all of the content whenever you want. It will update automatically. You don't need any technical know-how and we like to think that it's easier than setting your Tivo!

Is my information safe?

Yes. We uphold the highest standards on hosting and privacy. If you would like you can read more about our Privacy and Terms. All of your content is hosted on Rackspace servers.

Who owns my app?

You do. Plain and simple. All content and information is yours and it says yours, forever and ever.

Can I charge a fee for the app I created?

Right now, we only offer the ability to promote your app for free. In the near future will we offer you the ability to charge a fee for downloading, as well as, the ability to monetize your app by displaying in-app advertisements.

What if I get stuck and can't finish my app?

Our system will save whatever information you have provided and you can come back and finish your app at your leisure. We don't want to rush you! Life is a marathon, not a sprint.

Can I customize the features of my app?

Of course! It's your app. If you don't want something, don't put it in. You choose which sections you want to appear in your app. If there is something extra or special that you would like us to add, we would be more than happy to work with you. Please contact us.

Does the app work on Android or Blackberry?

Currently, we only support iPhones/iTouches, but we are currently developing the system to support all mobile phones.

What is LaunchPad?

LaunchPad is a unique service that we provide to media outlets. It allows them the ability to sell iPhone apps to their customers. It is the same great service as we offer here but it's branded to match their image.