Features Overview

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Everything you need to go mobile. A to Z.

With appflight's all-in-one mobile solution you can sit back and continue what you do best.
We'll take care of all the mobile stuff.

  • App Foundations

    These features are added to your app from our backend system. No need to lift a finger. Start here.

  • App Sections

    Pick and choose any sections from the list to include in your app. Add as many as you'd like, once you do - you'll be able to upload and manage the content in you control panel. Start here.

  • User Generated Sections

    You have the option of adding sections that are completely controlled by your users. These sections will increase user engagement, allow you to reward loyalty, and provide a fun and creative way for your app to be shared. You'll be able to monitor everything from your control panel. Start here.

  • Promotional Tools

    Creating your app is the first step - now you need to the world about your app. These tools are designed to make it easy for you, just copy, paste, and go. Start here.